After A Long Hiatus

It’s the 18th of December, I am up early on a Sunday morning with zero motivation to do anything at all.

Scrolling through my apps, I come across WordPress which I haven’t launched in a very long long time, in fact I even forgot the password lol.

Yep, it’s been years if not months since I last posted something!

Going through the necessary password retrieving methods, once I logged in and went through the notifications and my previously written posts I realized…. I realized what I was really missing.

To write. To express. To give words to feelings & experiences.

There was this intense urge to instantly scribble something about how I am feeling right now with an intention to restart the process of blogging and sharing travel guides/ stories after a superb break; me your appreciation and comments have pumped me up again 😀

Since my last post and now, a lot has changed, a lot more journeys were made, a lot more valleys explored, a lot more memories gathered and even a change of my profession took place! Haha yes I’ll talk about that soon as well. (In a blog hopefully)

So happy to touch base with this lost feeling of expression once again, I feel alive, nervous and excited all at the same time. Questions like What will I write? Will I still be as good as I used to be, Will the readers still like it? Etc etc are constantly popping up in my head. Biggest challenge being keeping up with all the content that I have gathered and sharing it continously with you all and the only way to do this is with your support and love obviously! ❤️

So wish me good luck y’all!!

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